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27 Boats at German Open, Spranger/Kopp dominate

The weather could be better, it was raining cats and dogs (the foto was made before the rain). But despite the race committee succeded in achieving eight races on Friday and Saturday. 27 boats (from GER, SUI, USA, FRA) was the highest participation since many years! Lets hope that we see all of them at the Worlds, too! The results were clearer as expected: Christian Spranger/Christopher Kopp won the first five (!) races and could afford to omiss the last one. Second Place goes to Tobias Spranger/Felix Meggendorfer followed by the best foreign team Patrice and Agnes Rouanet (FRA). The organisation of the event was praised by the competitors, you cannot blame them for the weather. The weekend saw a lot of inundations in the south of Germany.
